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Virtual Campfire Record Release Party II: A Sunday Afternoon Songfest

Sunday, January 7th, 2pm - 5pm at Project Barley

The Virtual Campfire will make a triumphant return to Project Barley to celebrate the streaming release of their brand new record, "In Defense of Campfire Music".
The brand new record was previously available only on vinyl, 8 track, and reel-to-reel.

But starting on January 7th, the new record will be um, triumphantly released to all streaming services, including Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, MySpace, and Napster.

In summary, this will be a triumph.

The band was recently made aware by fax that such streaming services exist. They immediately held a press conference on Prodigy online. Speaking form the band rotary phone, Mark Karmelich (head of band IT) said "If such streaming services really exists, please send us the contract with carbon copies to all band members immediately, harumph, harumph, harumph."

Project Barley serves the best beer in Lomita, and the Virtual Campfire sounds better after the 4th brew. We're gonna sing, laugh, and have fun for once. Let's do this.

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